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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Day 25

Six thousand words!! In one day!

I am so guilty. I was supposed to be focusing on homework today, but instead I had another movie marathon with a visiting cousin. But honestly! It wasn't my fault that she hasn't seen the Prince of Egypt!! I mean seriously, how can you have not watched that movie?? It is amazing!
So anyways, we ended watching a few movies and then it was time for homework. I sat myself down and I was like "I seriously need to write". And I did! It was miraculous but I did it for a good hour. Then I was interrupted and I had to go pick up my sister from Irvine for Thanksgiving so I kept writing in the car. It was an hour there, a half hour waiting in the car and another Hour on the way home. The whole time I just kept going until I felt nauseous from being in the car. And despite my procrastination this morning, I actually did well. I believe I bumped my word count by a good five or six thousand today. Go me.

Day: 25   Word Count: 37,648

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