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Monday, November 2, 2015

Day 2

Today I wrote during the car rides to and from school as well as before and after college class. Despite that I only reached 1,477. Thats not enough for one day's word count let alone two but I'm not exactly worried. I spent a good chunk of my time googling pictures and comeing up with characters so it wasn't exactly a waste of time. On top of that, I don't really expect to hit the word count every day because lets be honest, I am really really REALLY busy most of the time. Not to mention I'm still trying to find the write times and places to write. Cars work okay as far as I can tell but I'm usually sleepy in cars. My house isn't exactly a place of focus so it's pretty hard to write there. I will be by the library on Thursday for mentorship so I will definitely try staying an extra hour to write. So yeah, even though I'm behind on my word count, I'm sort of ok because I expected it.

Word Count: 1,477    Day: 2

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